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Meet Peter
Peter Miguel Camejo (63) is a first generation Venezuelan-American who has fought for social and environmental justice since his teens. Peter is chair and co-founder of Progressive Asset Management, Inc., a broker-dealer firm which promotes socially responsible investments. He created the Eco-Logical Trust for Merrill Lynch, the first environmentally screened fund of a major firm, and a top performer. He served three years as trustee of the Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association. He has also been appointed by the Lt. Governor of Hawaii to be an advisor to the Hawaii Capital Stewardship Forum.
Camejo served for five years on the Board of Directors of Earth Share, a federation of the 41 largest environmental groups in the United States. He also helped form the Environmental Justice Fund, to finance and unify environmentalists of color. Through an organic farming firm, Earth Trade, he helped Nicaragua become the worlds largest producer of organic sesame.
Peter has worked to defend the rights of Latino workers in the U.S. and to free political prisoners in Latin America. In 1976 he ran for President as a socialist, gaining ballot status in 30 states. He marched in Selma, Alabama with Martin Luther King and was active against the War in Vietnam. In college at UC Berkeley and MIT, he studied math and history. After winning a student council election at UC Berkeley, he was suspended for using an unauthorized microphone.
Peter is a long-time supporter of the womens movement and gay and lesbian rights. In 1987, he launched a program, called The IRA that cares to help fund the S.F. Aids Foundation. Camejo created the Council for Responsible Public Investment, funded for anti-tobacco divestment work by the California Health Department.
Camejo is a published author, including his most recent book, The SRI Advantage: Why Socially Responsible Investing Has Outperformed Financially. He is fluent in Spanish and English, and lives with his wife, Morella, in Folsom, California.